What is holistic nutrition?

What makes a holistic nutritionist different from a dietician or other nutritionists?

Chiantelle Nicole - Chia's Eats Brooke Larke

When I first got sick back in the Fall/Winter of 2011, I made the decision to look at food in a more therapeutic way (you can read more about my story here). As I looked into more natural ways of healing, the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition Vancouver campus came up on my Google searches. I was intrigued with the school, the courses and their approach to food, health and wellness. I wanted to learn more about holistic nutrition and decided to enrol in the school part-time. After an extended program time frame, I officially received my formal certification as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist™ in May of 2019. Throughout my studies and even more so now, the biggest question I get asked often is -

What exactly is holistic nutrition?

Holistic Nutrition is a special combination of modern science and time-tested wisdom based on the philosophy that each person has unique nutritional requirements.
— Canadian School of Natural Nutrition

A Registered Holistic Nutritionist™ is a practitioner who uses the power of whole, natural, live and good quality foods to create positive changes in an individual’s wellbeing. Each and every one of us is biochemically unique and requires different nutritional needs. As Registered Holistic Nutritionists™, we take into account the individual as a whole as we focus on all aspects of a person - the physical, the mental and the emotional sides - and create a wellness plan that brings all aspects of each person into homeostasis, or balance, based on their lifestyle and health concerns.

We work with other health practitioners on empowering and supporting our clients through health education and teaching our clients optimal ways to boost their personal health and be their best selves.

The education I received and topics we discussed included (but not limited to):

  • Fundamentals of Nutrition

  • Anatomy and Physiology

  • Nutritional Symptomatology

  • Nutritional Literature Research

  • Body-Mind-Spirit Connection

  • Allergies

  • Pathology & Nutrition

  • Biochemistry

  • Lifecycle Nutrition: Paediatrics, Sports, Perspectives on Aging

  • Eco-Nutrition

  • Supplements

  • Hormone Health

In order to graduate and receive our certification, we also had to have a minimum of 75 co-requisite hours, complete case studies & presentations, and write a final licensing exam.

If you have any specific questions or would like more information on working with me, you can fill out this contact form or send me an email at contact@ chiantellenicole.com.

I’m excited to share more of what I’ve learned (and am continually learning)!

Talk to you soon!

Chiantelle Nicole Chia's Eats Brooke Lark

Chiantelle nicole

Registered Holistic Nutritionist™ (R.H.N.), Self-Proclaimed Food Enthusiast, Chia’s Eats