The Year of Stewardship

Chiantelle Nicole Catt Photography

Every year since 2011 I've had one word that God has placed in my heart. I didn't really notice He had been doing that until late 2014 when I fully surrendered again and actually started to truly listen to what He has been saying. It's amazing what happens when we do.

Life is filled with so many challenges and celebrations and like I've mentioned in previous posts, 2018 was no different. The word COURAGE was placed in my heart at the beginning of the year and it has honestly been one of the most transformative years so far. I often get asked why I do so much and how I manage to do all the things, and the truth is I just work. And when I can't do it anymore, God takes over. With every adventure I took and every decision I made, I was never alone. Even when anxiety and overwhelm hit me, God used the people around me to show me His love and grace.

One of the things that I was reminded of this past year is that we are called to take care of what has been given to us. Whether that be our gifts and talents, our overall health and wellbeing, our finances, our earth and everything that’s in and on it. If we don’t properly take care of it, it’ll be taken away. And each time I'm reminded of this, the word STEWARDSHIP comes into mind. We don't own anything in this earth but was given the responsibility to look after it and utilize it to give back.

Honestly, I feel nervous having this word for 2019. At the same time I know and feel confident that this year will provide the foundation for what's to come.

Do you have a word for the year?

Until next time,

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